"Beauty is not caused. It is." ~Emily Dickenson
What is beauty? What makes something beautiful? Is beauty in the eye if the beholder? Must something wait to be beautiful until someone says it is? Does something have to be beautiful to be great? What does it mean to be a beautiful person?
Beauty to me is simple, but rarely seen in the world unless you seek it out. What is beauty to me? Beauty is someone not degrading another person. Beauty is finding the good in the world and sharing it. Beauty is knowing that we are all human, knowing we all feel pain, and knowing that we all need love. Beauty isn't just physical. Beauty is being. You cannot be beautiful if you are making people feel less than they are. You cannot be beautiful if you are always looking at the negative. Those are ugly things. Those are ugly things. If you are doing ugly things you cannot be beautiful. My challenge to you is to put the beauty back into the world. Take a minute to think before you act. Help others reach their potential of becoming beautiful. Help raise up where you stand.
~For attractive lips speak words of kindness.
~For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
~For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
~For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.
~For poise, walk with the knowlede you'll never walk alone.
Audrey Hepburn
(I didn't know what to write about and I found the quote at the top and thought I'd just go with it.)