Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Update #2

Hello Blogger World! I just wanted to check in concerning my marathon training. I am slightly terrified to share my updates because I feel that every time I share I somehow lose motivation. I know! It makes no sense! But I am doing it anyway. Maybe I can break that tradition. :)

Since the last update, I really haven't done much. I am, however, saying no to more and more sweets. I know this is redundant, but I am starting to recognize that things really don't taste as good as they look. In fact, most of the time, it's not worth it! There are a few things that I am still struggling with when it comes to this concept (Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Diet Coke, etc) but I'm working on it! 

As for exercising, I have worked out the past two days in a row, which is good considering that I had school today. I am so busy lately that I almost gave up. I keep thinking that if I do it now, I can be more ready for summer when it rolls around. I also hope that I will be able to relieve a LOT of stress, which is something I need. 

:) I'm trying to stay committed. I have SO much going on in my life, but I am wanting this so much. I figure that even if I hop on the treadmill for 10 minutes, it's better than not doing anything. I am also learning that slow and steady really does win the race. It's the only way I will be able to keep myself going to win my race! :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Right now I am sitting next to my backpack, full of reading I need to do. I have an opened Human Biology book that I should be studying. A test, on Monday, that has content still needing to be learned. Two papers waiting to be written.... And I am on the computer, listening to my music, checking my FB, e-mail, pinterest, etc, etc, etc. 

Yes, I am having a problem being motivated this semester! Maybe it's because they're stupid generals classes that no one wants to take. Maybe I think I am just too busy to get everything done. Maybe it's the fact that it's still winter, and I'm longing for summer. Maybe I feel too burned out. And, maybe, I just don't want to do my work. Who knows the real reason? I sure don't. 

Well, it is time for me to buck up. I am almost done with this stupid degree, then I can go on to what I want to do, right? (If that's not the case, don't tell me. I don't want to know!) 

P.S. If you have any tips on reading college content (aka. FDA rules on prescription drugs, physics & human biology- something that EVERYONE should be grateful that I am NOT going into) PLEASE share them with me!

I WILL survive this semester! I WILL survive this semester! I WILL survive this semester! I WILL survive this semester! I WILL survive this semester! I WILL survive this semester! I WILL survive this semester! I WILL survive this semester!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Half Marathon Journey #1

For the past few years I have been so set on becoming a runner, but I haven't been pushing for it. Obviously I have been hoping for the running fairy to come give me magic running shoes that make me the best runner ever. I hate to break this to you, but that fairy doesn't exist... No matter how much I want her to.

I have been trying so hard to be a runner. I follow programs, I run when I don't want to, then I give up. Either I don't focus on the end goal, I get too frustrated, I injure my knees, or I just don't want to run. However, the other day I found a program for very beginner runners. It is easy on your joints, and it's super slow paced (which, as much as I hate to say it, is what will keep me doing it)! So I started today. I walked for 10 minutes. I know it isn't a lot, but I am starting.

Why am I sharing this with the world? Because it will keep me motivated (Yes, this means that I will be sharing info with you. Yes, I actually will, more than I have in the past. :D). I want to run a half marathon so that I can prove to myself that I can do anything I put my mind to. I CAN do hard things.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Nasty Air

I just wanted to share this picture with the world. This picture was taken by one of my coworkers. It is a picture of a good air quality day versus a bad air quality day (aka yesterday)! I couldn't believe it. I think it's time to go on a vacation to get rid of this nasty stuff! YUCK!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

NeW yEaRNeW yEaR!!!!

Happy New Year everyone! I can't believe that it is already 2013! Can you? So with a new year comes new resolutions. For the past few years my resolution has been to date... I know, I can hardly contain my laughter as well. I haven't really taken my resolutions very seriously, obviously. However, this year I really want to be better. I decided to ponder what resolutions would be the best for me at this time. Here are the goals I have set for myself this year. 

1- Run a half marathon. I have said this in previous posts, but this is something I WILL do this year. I want to be healthier, and I want to enjoy running. This will happen. To accomplish this, I will get on the treadmill at least 4 times a week and slowly build up to run everyday.

2- I want to build a stronger relationship with my Father in Heaven. That means that I will be taking my scripture study more seriously. I learn so much when I search the scriptures. I have better days when I invite the spirit into my life through prayer and scripture study. I will read my scriptures daily, and pray more often.

3- I want to save money. This year I am cutting back on going out to eat, going to the movies, etc. One of my biggest goals in life is to study in England, and I will have the opportunity to do so next year(2014). That means I need to save for it so I can pay for it. Another reason is I want to pay off as much as my student debt as I can before I get my degree.

4- Last, but definitely not least, I want to be a better person all around. I want to be nicer to all those people I come in contact with, family or strangers. I want to be the type of person that doesn't have to think about how to serve or who to serve. I want to be the type of person that just does it. I want to be more positive than I already am. I just want to be a good person.

I know that this list is probably a cliche of every new year's resolution, but I truly believe that I need to accomplish these things. I also know that I can accomplish these things. They will be a challenge, but what is the point of making goals if they aren't a challenge? 

I hope that at the end of this year I can honestly say that I am better because of this list. I want to be able to look back and see that the year 2013 was a growing year for me, that I accomplished a lot, and I want to be able to view this year as a great success.

"Begin today. Declare out loud to the Universe that you are willing to let go of struggle and are willing to learn through joy." -Sarah Ban Breathnach

"Start wherever you are and start small." -Rita Baily

"Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect."