Thursday, February 6, 2014

Spread Thin?

Right now in my life, I am consumed with things. My week is literally spent running from one thing to next. In fact, my Thursdays are booked from 7:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. with only an hour of "free time".  I've had a hard time finding enough time for sleep. I've had a hard time finding time to exercise! I can feel my body beg for it, but I have to choose between running or getting enough (read: minimum amount of) sleep to function the next day. I have been blessed in the past year to be working, going to school, focusing on two callings (which I LOVE, and will cry when I'm released: pure honesty), and trying to squeeze in social time as much as possible. It has taken a toll. I've been having a hard time feeling unified with people in all areas of my life, and I have been under a lot of stress. Interestingly enough, this ad has been on my mind WAY too often:

The Lord has a sense of humor, people!

Last night, as per usual Wednesday, I spent my day in classes, and my night in meetings. In the middle of my second meeting, one of my very good friends also involved in my callings pulled me aside, and asked if she could do a one on one with me. I was terrified to say the least. I was waiting for the "If you can't do it, we can find someone else" speech (I really feel like I've been lacking!). However, when we went into the office, she looked at me and asked how I was doing. We discussed some things that are going on in my life, and areas where I feel I have been lacking. This discussion was reassuring. She basically told me that I am doing great. I can improve, but I'm not lacking as much as I think I am. I'm doing well, but she could tell I am stressed. 

That discussion led me to two major things that I have been thinking of. The first one is that the Lord blesses us with people in our lives.  President Thomas S. Monson has stated: "We were not placed on this Earth to walk alone." In the scriptures, it refers to the word "friend" 44 times. I don't think this is a mistake.  We are here to build one another up, support one another, and just be there for one another. I truly am grateful for everyone in my life. I don't know how else to put it. I have an amazing family, great friends, a fantastic ward family, and so many wonderful examples from people I hardly know. My heart overflows with the amount of love I feel from and towards these people.

The second topic I have been thinking a lot about is family and unity. One scripture, in particular has been on my mind: D&C 38:27 "I say unto you, be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine." The past few months, I have not been united with my family. I rarely am aware of what my brothers are involved in or what they're struggling with, and the same applies with my parents. I know partial schedules, and that's about it. Yesterday, as I was having my "reflection moment", I had another quote on my mind. I don't remember who said it, or the exact phrasing, but it was something along the lines of: you make covenants in the temple, and you practice them at home. This connects in my mind. Like I said before, I haven't been feeling unity in all areas of my life. Where can I practice building unity? My home. Where can I practice being a good friend? My home. I'm not saying I'm or will become perfect at this, but I am starting to try. I know that as I practice this in my family, that I will be blessed personally, as well as my family. 

It's only been 24 hours, and my schedule hasn't changed, but I feel that I've already started to change. I feel happier, and I'm more excited to be around my family and my friends. I know that the Lord has a plan for me. He loves me, and He desires to bless me, and that is what gets me through.

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