Life is perfect. I always have ample amounts of money. My car always starts and runs perfectly. I am always happy with everyone in my life. I couldn't ask for a better job. I understand my classes perfectly, and I receive perfect scores on all my exams and assignments. I never feel stress. My body is perfect. I know what I want from my life and where I want to go.
...In all honesty, I just wanted to see what it would be like to say all of that. Have you ever felt a dark thunder cloud brewing over your head? That's how I feel. The past week of my life has been a test. You could reverse all of the above statements and that would describe my week. Sometimes I wonder why everything happens all at once. You know the saying: "When it rains, it pours"? I'm finding it to be true. LAME.
During all these hard, trying things, I've been ignoring the positives. I usually don't have a hard time finding them, but lately it has been hard. So, dear friends, I will share with you somethings that I am grateful for, #sorrynotsorry.
1. I am grateful for parents who each have a strong testimony of the gospel. My mom has a strong testimony in the power of prayer. She has taught me that I can turn to the Lord with ANY question or problem and He will hear and answer me. I know this to be true because of her example of it. One thing I know I can always count on my dad for is a priesthood blessing. Because my dad honors the priesthood, I've come to understand the importance of it.
2. I'm grateful for the relationships I have with my brothers. I'm not saying they're perfect relationships, but I am grateful for the friendships we do have. I can have so much fun with any of them. We can goof off and fight like nobody's business. We can talk, joke around, make fun of each other, and still be best friends. I never say it enough, but I love my brothers. They are all major examples in my life.
3. I am grateful for the opportunity that I do have to work and go to school. As much as both of these things drive me crazy sometimes, I love being able to grow and expand my horizons.I never thought I'd say this, but I'm learning that I enjoy math. Probably not to the extent that I want it to be a major part of my career, but I enjoy it.
4. I'm grateful for the examples that come from working on institute council. I work with some pretty amazing people. Each person on council has taught me so much about so many things. I am grateful for their friendship and the love that they show to me and each other.
5. I'm grateful for laughter. I'm grateful that, despite our trials and hard times, we are meant to be happy and cheerful.
We can find the silver lining in all things. Sure, it may seem like you're staring at the darkness sometimes. It may seem like the light at the end of the tunnel just went out. It may seem like the light is an illusion. However, one thing I know for sure is if we seek it, we will see the light. Not the illusion of light, but we will see light in it's true form. No matter how dark life may seem, no matter how hopeless things may feel, we can always find a silver lining.
Thank you for sharing! I really needed this today!